E-WIN Racing Gaming Chair review

The craze of the racing gaming chairs is all over the place, most of your favorite streamers and Youtubers own one, but what is so special about the chairs and are they worth it? Well, it is time to find out.

Recently we got in touch with the good fellas of E-Win Racing Gaming Chairs. They are one of the new manufacturers in the gaming chairs market with some great designs, including the Championship series, the model we got to review this time.

I spend a lot of time in front of the computer, both gaming and working and by the most part i lacked proper back support, like many out there have been using different chairs, none with proper lumbar, back or neck support, long sessions in front of the PC and the usual late night MMO sessions made a dent in said areas.

For a long time i wanted to get a proper chair, researching and looking around the world wide web, a simple and cheap office chair was not cut for the job, not in the long run. A proper gaming chair was the answer and with this racing gaming chair i found what i was looking for.

Let me start by saying the assembly is not hard at all, pretty easy, althought you will have to juggle the parts around you as the seat and the back are heavy, very simple to do with two people but assembling it alone is a bit tricky but very doable. Well my cat was there but he was busy playing with the box (he says thanks E-Win Racing, the box is purrrfect!).

As for the packaging it was very nice, inside the big box all wrapped in plastic, a smaller box inside with all the accesories (wheels, screws, instructions), tools and even a pair of gloves so you don’t get hurt assembling the chair or why not, if you feel like dancing and say “Jazz hands!”

With that out of the way, how is it? Well at first i was not sure how to feel for the chair, having mixed feelings, the seat was feeling great but the lumbar cushion was not something i was used to, at all, thinking to remove it at first but decided to endure, glad i did.

The shape of the seat back force you to stay in a good posture, kind of it embrace you, if you have the bad habit to lean to the left or right and rest in the arm of the chair, this will help prevent that, keeping you in a proper posture to work or play.

Some hours later i was enjoying the chair a lot, sadly i got a headache in the afternoon but this gave me the perfect opportunity to try another feature of the chair, The reclining backrest.

By using the level operated back recliner i did laydown to rest of that headache as i took a short nap in the gaming chair, never felt that I was going to fall down, the chair feels sturdy and strong to let you sleep or laydown to rest your eyes without any worries, gotta say i did love that.

Watching Netflix or Crunchyroll was also a pleasant experience by using the reclining features of the chair. Feels nice, feels relaxing.

The arms of the chair are quite comfortable, you can adjust the height, and even the position of the same, towards the front or back among others. Built quality as i comented before, sturdy and strong, you can feel it with the weight of the chair.

The look of the chair stands out way more in person, pictures dont make it justice, you can see the quality of the sewing is really good. The materials used and the way it feels, you know you are paying for a quality product, looks and feels good.

Currently they have four gaming chairs series available, Champion Series, Calling Series, Hero Series and the Flash Series (which includes the Flash XL models) ranging from 300$ to 400$ depending of the model you pick with express delivery right to your doorstep.

The manual could be inproved, with more details of the different features of the gaming chair, don’t get me wront it is ok but i feel could be a bit more detailed.
Of course it is heavy, especially in the box, adviced to have a friend help you to move the box around and to assemble the chair, again not a chair defect no, just saying, be careful don’t get yourself an hernia.

Now this is not really a downside of the chair, i am a tall guy and a chubby one for the matter, while the seat feels ok, the arms dont bother me either, but is not perfect.
The side cushions of the seat feels a bit tight in my legs on a person like me, feels it was designed for a more healthy/skinny type or person.

the backseat feels a little tight on my back, while comfortable, there’s not much room for movement and you notice it when you raise your arms, then again this is just me, so for people with my body shape i would recommend to go the Flash XL model they have on the website.

With the Ewin Racing Gaming chair Championship edition you get what you are paying for, quality and comfort, plus proper back and neck support for long gaming sessions.

Sometimes we spend more on consoles, games and parts for the PC, even in snacks, so why not pay that cash to be comfortable and still take care of our back and your health? For 349 for the Championship Edition is not too high as most of not all brand are around the same price. While not perfect, the pros seems to outweight the cons.

Stay tuned for a video review real soon, last but not least, thanks to EWIN Racing Gaming Chairs for providing us with a review unit of the Championship series. Enjoying the chair and the cats love their new castle (the box).

In the meantime, if you want more information about EWIN Racing and their gaming chairs please check their social media pages, FacebookTwitterInstagram and of course their website.

NOTE: This is reprinted from Animecourtyard.


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Sitzen auf einem neuen Level: Der E-WIN Flash Gaming Chair im Check

Wer oft und lange am Computer arbeiten muss oder viel in seiner Freizeit spielt und surft, sollte auch auf einem guten Stuhl sitzen. Denn nur wer gemütlich sitzt, kann sich auch voll und ganz auf das Geschehen auf dem Monitor konzentrieren, ohne dass er dabei von Rückenschmerzen oder Ermüdungserscheinungen geplagt wird. Professionelle Gamer nutzen schon seit Jahren Gaming-Stühle, die in ihrer Form und dem Komfort den Sitzen aus Rennautos nachempfunden sind.

Mittlerweile haben diese Stühle auch Einzug in viele Büros gehalten, denn ihren positiven Effekt auf die Leistung und die Gesundheit der Mitarbeiter haben viele Führungskräfte nun auch entdeckt. Nun gibt es viele Hersteller solcher Gaming-Stühle und die Auswahl ist mittlerweile riesig, doch ist nicht alles Gold was glänzt. Wer wirklich sicher sein will, dass er den richtigen Stuhl kauft, muss sich gut informieren.

Im Jahr 2002 startete die Firma E-WIN als Hersteller für Autositze und erst zehn Jahre später stiegen sie ins Computer-Stuhl-Geschäft ein. Wohlüberlegt und besonnen auf den Erfolg ihrer Produkte, bieten sie nun auch seit 2016 Gaming-Stühle an. Wir haben uns das Produkt “Europe Flash Normal Series FLA Ergonomic Office Gaming Chair” näher angesehen.


Wie von solchen Stühlen und Möbeln im Allgemeinen gewohnt, kommt auch dieser Gaming-Stuhl als Bausatz an. Die Anleitung zum Aufbau ist klar und sehr verständlich gedruckt und wirkt in der Theorie sehr einfach. In der Praxis hingegen gestaltete sich der Aufbau etwas fummelig. Die Rückenlehne muss an die Sitzfläche montiert werden und muss dabei nicht nur gehalten, sondern auch noch festgeschraubt werden. Dumm nur, wenn aufgrund der genauen Passform der Teile, die Polster auch noch ein wenig zusammengedrückt werden müssen, damit man überhaupt erst die Schrauben einpassen kann. Da ist es ratsam, sich ein weiteres Paar Hände dazuzuholen, denn zu zweit ist das wesentlich einfacher.
imageNach dem Aufbau zeigt sich jedoch, dass es diese Strapazen wert war. Der Stuhl wirkt äußerst edel und die verwendeten Materialien sind toll verarbeitet. Durch die angepasste Form des Gaming-Stuhls, bietet hohen Komfort und gibt dem Nutzer einen sicheren Halt. Das Fundament des Stuhls ist die sogenannte “5-Star Bar”, ein sternförmiger Fuß aus Aluminium, an dem insgesamt 5 Rollen angebracht sind. Er bietet Halt in jede Richtung und trägt zu dem hochwertigen Gesamteindruck des Stuhls bei.

Die Polsterung des Gaming-Stuhls, sowie die der optionalen Kissen, die im Lieferumfang enthalten sind, sind sehr weich und bequem. Damit das aber zur vollen Geltung kommen kann, bietet der Stuhl allerhand Verstellmöglichkeiten, um so für jeden Einsatzzweck immer ein Optimum an Komfort für den Nutzer zu bieten. So lässt sich beispielsweise die Rückenlehne zwischen 85°-155° neigen – optimal für entspannte Filmabende. Die Armlehen lassen sich ebenfalls in der Höhe und in deren Winkel verstellen, wirkten aber stets sehr wackelig. Das eigentlich Highlight jedoch ist die Verstellbarkeit der Sitzhöhe. Sie lässt sich sehr weit nach oben verstellen, verglichen mit den Stühlen anderer Hersteller. Das maximale Nutzergewicht ist übrigens mit 150 kg angegeben. Also ist es egal ob der Nutzer groß oder klein, dick oder dünn ist, hier kommen alle auf ihre Kosten. Sehr löblich. Natürlich gibt es auch die üblichen Funktionen wie beispielsweise die Tilt-Funktion, die ein spontanes Zurücklehnen erlaubt.
Gesamthöhe:min. 111 cm / max. 119 cm
Rückenlehne Höhe: 87 cm
Rückenlehne Breite:55 cm
Sitzfläche Breite:54 cm
Sitzfläche Länge:57 cm
Das Arbeiten in diesem Stuhl ist eine wahre Wohltat für den Rücken und selbst nach stundenlangen Spielsessions traten keinerlei Ermüdungserscheinungen auf. Die vielen Verstellmöglichkeiten bieten ein hohes Maß an Flexibilität und machen diesen Stuhl zu einem Allzweckwerkzeug des Entertainments. Kleinere Schwächen zeigten sich lediglich bei den Armlehnen, die einen etwas wackeligen Eindruck machten. Alles in allem bekommt man beim E-WinRacing Gaming Chair einen qualitativ hochwertigen und topmodernen Stuhl, der jedes Gamer-Herz höher schlagen lässt.
NOTE: This is reprinted from Escene.
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EWin Gaming Chair Review

GameOgre received this top-of-the-line gaming chair from EWin about three weeks or so ago. As you can see by the screenshot, the chair is quite attractive. As you can see, we have the ultra-sharp red and black model. The design is sleek with two pillows that are attached to the chair. You can move these pillows wherever you need to. This allows you to find your comfort level. For example, I am good size Texan at about 6 foot so I put the pillow as high as possible for my neck. The result for me has been quite successful so far whether I am working or using my club-like weapons in the various games that I play regularly.

The chair arrived after about a week or so. Despite the fancy appearance, setting up the chair was a breeze. The large pieces do not require much to assemble and the right tools were included. All-in-all, the chair was fully assembled in roughly 30 minutes. With the chair completely set up, I jumped on Steam and started to enjoy it!
spikedclub (43)When not gaming, maintaining the chair is much easier than expected. For example, you can sweat or spill a drop of soft drink and then remove it easily with a little water and microfiber cloth. Thus, don’t freak out if you get a minor spot on this beauty.

Regarding value, the chair’s appearance and high quality features listed below make quite an argument. Good luck in trying to find all those features in your local Walmart. You will mostly find office chairs or maybe game rockers there. To help with the cost on their website, EWin is offering a 15% off discount code (GO) to GameOgre.com visitors.

Key Features:

  • 2D Adjustable Armrests
  • Height Adjustable
  • Durable Steel Frame
  • Aluminum Five Star Base
  • Strong Gas Lift
  • Cold Molding Foam
  • Lever Operated Back Recliner
  • Tilt Lock
  • Tilt Control Mechanism

NOTE: This is reprinted from Gameogre.

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The E Win Racing “Calling Series” Ergonomic Gaming Chair is their second series of chair to arrive at Console Monster HQ. My overall outlook of their Champion Series gaming chair was very positive, and their suite of chairs have introduced me to the many advantages you get by spending a little bit extra for an office/gaming chair, of which you spend a vast amount of your working/gaming time in. So could the Calling Series gaming chair be just as good? Let’s find out…

The E Win Racing Calling Series gaming chair costs a little less than the Champion Series, whilst also offering less variety of colour options. The Calling Series retails at a RRP of €359 EU / £319 UK / $431 US, although it is currently on sale for €229 EU / £204 UK / $275 US, and you can knock off an extra 15% off with our voucher code ‘consolemonster’. I’ve seen chairs costing much more than this and still have less features and quality. So on paper, the E Win Racing gaming chairs seems a bit of a bargain!

Setting up the Calling Series chair was very simple. The two hex/allen keys included are all that’s required to assemble the chair. The helpful photo guide lists all the necessary steps needed to assemble it, and with most of the chair being mostly pre-assembled you just need to unscrew a few pre-fitted screws, attach the back rest to the seat portion, screw the base plate onto the seat, attached the wheels and insert the rising piston, then finally place everything onto the wheel base, and after just 25 minutes, voila, you’re done!

Just like the Champion Series, the Calling Series uses some good quality parts and materials, with the only let down being the plastic arms. There are many buttons, leavers and switches to help achieve maximum sitting comfort here, however there are slightly less features than the closely-priced Champion Series.

It’s important that the seat has a good amount of padding to it. There is nothing worse then having a thinly padded seat that last barely a year before you begin to feel the framework inside. Thanks to its fairly thick padding of 8 cm, the Calling Series will be supporting your derrière for a long time. The seat’s width is slightly narrower and the side padding is less diagonal than the Championship Series, so if you have a habit of sitting on your crossed-leg, the Calling Series makes this a little more restrictive and uncomfortable to do.

Like the seat, the back support is just as important, and thankfully the Calling Series caters very well in this department too. Although this Calling Series has a slightly smaller frame, just like the Champion Series, the back rest dominates this chair’s overall form factor. I was hoping for a slightly more low profile chair than the Champion Series, but sadly when comparing the two, I saw very little difference in both models.

Adjusting the back position is simply done by pulling on the right side leaver, that is located where the backrest meets the seat. The seat hinges have some fairly strong springs, so the backrest can jump forward fairly rapid if you’re not leaning back on it. Adding a little more pressure whilst leaning back moves the back of the seat backwards very easy, and as you keep leaning back you soon start to notice one of the chair’s key features – the ability to move the back almost fully horizontal! Great for that power nap or brief rest.

Very popular with gaming chairs these days are the lumber and head cushions. These are held on by a pair of elasticated straps and plastic buckle clips. The straps come pre-fitted, wrapped around holes located in the bottom and neck area of the back seat. The lumber cushion alone made a huge difference to my sitting experience; the neck cushion however, probably not so much. Whilst the chair is more reclined, I can see the neck cushion having more of a purpose. Like the Champion Series, the straps could be a little tighter too, or at least hold the cushions in their adjusted position, because I found the bottom lumber support always required adjustment every time I sat back into the chair.

On either side of the seat you’ll find the plastic arm rests. Just like most chairs, each arm-rest can be raised and lowered to your own preference. For me, I wish they could go a little more lower than these currently allow. Unlike the Champion Series, this is where the armrest features end for the Calling Series. So if you require many armrest adjustments, you should maybe consider the Champion Series instead. Each arm comes pre-bolted to the seat, however if you prefer, these can be unscrewed and remove them entirely.

After two weeks using the Calling Series, I found the general build quality maintained the same very sturdy and solid impression that I got when I first sat in the chair, so much so that I can imagine this chair would serve me well for many years. The pleather material used in the seating appears to be of a high quality, and it doesn’t look like it will flake-off for some time. The cushions and the firm seat padding feels like they contain a good quality and density of foam that should take the weight and reshape themselves after use for many sittings.

Once again though, I my only gripe mirrors the same issue I had with the Champion Series, and that’s with its general style. In a small office environment, the back of the chair can look almost monolithic. It was commented to me the other day that someone couldn’t tell if I was in the chair when viewing from the back. For me, the size of the back seat could be much smaller. Any portion of the seat from my neck upwards do not touch, so it feels all this area could all be trimmed down. At 5’8” I also found that my feet would leave the floor when I adjusted the seat to the correct height for my desk height (a standard 72 cm high), and this meant that I had to use a foot rest underneath in order to maintain a decent circulation to my feet and legs.

If E Win Racing took these same materials and build quality, and created a more smaller backed gaming chair, that would make THE perfect chair for me. Perhaps their Flash Series could indeed tick that box, and I hope I can sample that chair also soon. There is very little price difference separating both the Champion and Calling series of gaming chairs, so if you can live without the additional armrest features, you can save a little on the Calling Series. But because there is very little difference in size, the extra colour options and extra armrest features make the Champion Series a slightly better option for your money.


Get 15% off EWinRacing Chairs with code 'consolemonster' at checkout
For an additional 15% discount off the final sale price of an EwinRacing gaming chair, please use our discount voucher code ‘consolemonster’ at check out.

NOTE: This is reprinted from Consolemonster.

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EWin Champion Series Gaming Chair Review

The EWin Champion Series is a real surprise, and possibly one of the best gaming chair deals currently on the market.

September 13, 2017


Gaming chairs have become a hot topic over the last few years. If you’ve watched any Esports coverage online or follow gaming channels on Youtube, then you’ve probably seen the race car inspired gaming chairs on more than a handful occasions. And there’s a good reason for that! The ergonomics of these chairs can transform your gaming experience. The added immersion and health benefits are difficult to describe without experiencing them yourself. Imagine sitting in a soft arm chair for the first time after years of suffering with a wooden bench. There’s a sense of relief that makes an immediate impression. I can personally vouch for the improved experience as someone who’s made the transition back in 2015 and never looked back. Returning to a typical office chair now would feel like punishment.Over the last two years, I’ve been fortunate enough to test more than a handful of different chair models from varying manufacturers. Each company tries to bring a unique element to their blueprint, but they all share the same DNA when it comes to fundamental design. This is a good thing too, because the race car inspired skeleton is used for a reason: it works! This consistency allows manufacturers to focus on other aspects of the design, such as materials and improved assembly process.

“The contemporary aesthetic is perfect for a clean and modern gaming setup. Tech enthusiasts who prefer a sleek and stylish work space will love EWin’s elegant curves and clever design accents.”

Today, I’m taking a look at the EWin Championship Series gaming chair. EWin manufactures premium-grade gaming chairs with extremely competitive pricing.Their materials and build quality rival the superb AKRacing Arctica gaming chair, a behemoth that retails for a whopping $499. EWin’s Championship Series, on the other hand, is currently listed for only $279. This price and quality combo is going to be tough to beat. I’m not sure how EWin is able to keep the price tag so low, but whatever they’re doing is certainly placing them above their rivals.

The EWinRacing gaming chair is a real looker, and the model comes in a variety of colorful choices: light pink, dark pink, red, blue, green and white. The shoulder wings have a subtler slope compared to other models I tested in the past. This gives gamers with larger shoulders added comfort when leaning back. EWin has also gone the extra mile and pre-assembled the back cushion onto the back piece to minimize assembly time. It took me no longer than 15 minutes to assemble the entire chair, and I didn’t require any assistance.

“It’s sturdy enough to provide proper back and neck support, but remains soft where necessary thanks to its high density memory foam.”

The contemporary aesthetic is perfect for a clean and modern gaming setup. Tech enthusiasts who prefer a sleek and stylish work space will love EWin’s elegant curves and clever design accents. The Champion Series isn’t just easy on the eyes, but it’s thoroughly well constructed. You’d think EWin would cut corners with other parts of the chair, but that’s simply not the case. The handles and the plastic covers that fit on the sides are all sturdy and well made. Nothing feels cheap. The steel frame impresses when you actually see how it stretches throughout the chair body, and in combination with the gas lift, it can hold up to 330lbs.

“EWin’s materials and build quality rival the superb AKRacing Arctica gaming chair, a behemoth that retails for a whopping $499. EWin’s Championship Series, on the other hand, is currently listed for only $279.”

I’ve spent a lot of time with the EWin Champion since I’m in front of the screen for both my work and hobby each day. This is a remarkable chair and it grew on me instantly. It’s sturdy enough to provide proper back and neck support, but remains soft where necessary thanks to its high density memory foam. Much like the AKRacing Arctica, the EWin Champion has adjustable armrests that have front/back left/right sliding functions, clockwise/counterclockwise rotations and vertical adjustments. The lever operated back recliner allows for 85-155 degree adjustments in case you decide to take a nap between gaming sessions. The larger back pillow is another welcome feature. My older DXRacer had a rounder pillow that pushed my lower body too far forward. The flatter and taller pillow follows my spine curvature more naturally, allowing for a better fit when leaning back.

It’s very hard to find faults with such a solid product. If I really had to nitpick, I’d say the wheel design comes off as a little tacky with its Hot-Wheels looking design. But let’s be real here, this hardly classifies as criticism.

Conclusion: The EWin Champion Series is a real surprise, and possibly one of the best gaming chair deals currently on the market. The high quality and low price is really what sets this model apart. Gaming chairs aren’t a cheap investment, but paying $279 for something that has immediate benefits and can potentially last a lifetime is a worthy commitment. If you’ve been on the edge about adding more comfort to your gaming/work setup, EWin’s selection will hopefully solidify your decision to make the transition.

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Ewin Chair Champion Series

Ewin gaming chair

The Ewin Chair Champion Series gaming chair has the aesthetic look that makes it stand out and in terms of build quality it does quite good and the same can be said for its comfort levels. One of the biggest upsets I’ve had with this chair is the small 50mm wheels. They are so small that it is almost impossible to push the chair in any carpet. Which is just a major annoyance.  What is the one thing I love most about this chair? The large removable lumbar support pillow and the 4D armrests. At this price, it is almost impossible to get this high quality.

For some reason, there are companies out there charging and an absurd amount of money for gaming chairs. And for this reason, I feel a lot of gamers will look long and hard for an alternative to spending $500 for a chair. The EWin Racing Gaming Chair is price extremely well given the other bigger name brands.


– Ergonomic racing style computer chair upholstered in PU leather
– Adjustable seat, back and armrest height for added comfort and support
– 360 degree swivel and smooth rolling casters
– Heavy-duty 5-star base keeps the chair stable
– Lumbar cushion and headrest pillow included


– Chair Type: Gaming/Office Chair
– Foam Type:High Density Seperated Foaming
– Foam Density: 54kg/m3
– Frame Color: Black
– Frame Construction: Metal
– Adjustable Armrests: 4D
– Mechanism Type: Multi-functional Tilt
– Tilt Lock: Yes
– Tilt Angle Lock: Yes
– Gas Lift Class: 4
– Chair/Seat Back Style: High-back
– Adjustable Back Angle: 180
– Base Type: 5-star Wide Aluminum Base
– Caster Size & Material: 2″ Caster/PU

ewin gaming chair graph

Building The Chair:

If I had to pick one thing aside from the wheels that I disliked most about this chair it would be the assembly. Putting the chair together was one of the biggest pains. Largely because it was hard to get the holes to line up and put the screws in. The fabric was covering most of the holes and moving that without ripping the fabric was a pain in itself. If I had to make one adjustment it would be to change the amount of fabric around the screw holes of the chair so it would be easier to put together.


Overall, I think the Ewin Chair Champion Series is really solid chair. It’s comfortable, affordable given the price of other brands on the market, and they have an awesome style! If the size of the wheels would be bigger and the assembly of the product would be easier I would give this a solid 5 out of 5. But if you are looking for a reliable and affordable gaming chair then the Ewin Chair Champion Series is your best bet!

NOTE: This is a review post from Gadgetvibes.

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E-Win Champion Series Gaming Chair Review By John Glenton Last updated Oct 12, 2017

EwinRacing Champion Gaming Chair

We don’t put enough care into our chair purchases,  it matters more than you might think. We have the E-Win Champion Series Gaming Chair, and in this review, we explore the pros and cons of such a product.

The name E-win is new to the gaming scene but the OEM crafting the products is not. This is not just some start company hoping to make a quick buck; they have an award-winning background and vast knowledge of ergonomics, quality and care.

Pricing varies from one model to the next, but this one is particular is retailing the day of review for £226, €259 & $290, due to time-limited flash deal!


Be sure to use code “Techcize” at the checkout for a whopping 15% off!



[Specifications of E-Win Champion Series Gaming Chair ]

Click to reveal

Full specs courtesy of E-Win


[E-Win Vs others]

Wondering what is different between this and some others on the market? Check out this detailed video.

[Assembly & First Impressions]

Prefer a video? Watch our time-lapse build guide and first impressions video.

The build process is actually very straightforward, and the included manual is very clear, and does feature coloured images to aid you further. Something other brands should all be doing…but don’t

Techicize E-Win Champion Series Gaming Chair Review Series Review gaming E-Win Champion chair

The product arrived in beneath box which weighs a whopping 20KG+. Space is key for a smooth built process, but if you’ve assembled one in the past, less space is doable. I was pleased to see the additional card and foam inserts to keep the chair safe during transit. Upon unpacking each part, I found them to be factory fresh with not a single blemish or issue.

A secondary box contains the additional parts such as the wheels.

Setup makes use of hex bolts already in the chair, so remove them and check the strapping on the backside is clicked together.

Place the back onto the base, re-insert the same screws you removed and add the side cover with additional hex bolts at either side.


Remove the four bolts from the underside, and add the base.

The wheels pop into place and the piston the same.


Sit the chair ontop, and wait for the click to ensure its made contact.

Techicize E-Win Champion Series Gaming Chair Review Series Review gaming E-Win Champion chair


It’s the little things that make a big difference, and this thing just oozes quality. From material used, the stitching, and the padding above all. This thing does not sink or flatten down (in a bad way) like the cheaper ones on the market. The arms can be moved up/down, forward, backward and closer or further away. Need more control? Well, these angle too!

Side by side with our now retired chair from a few years back, while it served its purpose well it just highlights how much better the E-Win Champion Series Gaming Chair really is. This thing is taller, wider, better quality and superior in comfort levels, and not just when you first sit either.

Assembly took about 10-15 minutes, and my first experience on the chair was a real eye opener

[Final Thoughts]

When I transited over from a back-breaking a dining chair, to a real gaming chair about two-year backs, I thought I’d found true comfort and elegance, I even experienced other top brands when friends and family opted to go down other routes, but I was wrong. The experience I’ve had with the Champion Series Gaming from E-win has really changed my perception of how a gaming chair should look, move and feel.

To say I’m happy would be an understatement, the first impressions were so much better than my last chair. The build smoother, and the initial feeling of comfort way better. You could argue feel and taste, are a personal thing, and sure I hear you, but until you experience something this good in person, then my words alone are all I can offer. Don’t be put off by the lesser known name, everyone needs to start somewhere, and this company is going to be huge, mark these words!

We can’t escape one simple fact, which…. no matter which region you’re from, this is a lot of money to invest, but as are the other brand asking prices too. Look at this another way, this isn’t just for fun and comfort, We’re talking about yolur long-term health too, and I think its a solid investment. If your jumping between other brands and can’t quite decide I implore you to take a look at E-Win’s range too.

Thanks to E-Win for proving the sample to us, and we look forward to seeing more from them in the near future.

NOTE: This is a guest post from techicize.

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Throne of Games — EWin Flash XL Gaming Chair Review

EwinRacing Flash XL Gaming Chair

When you work a desk job for as long as I have, you end up trying a lot of office chairs. From top-of-the-line Aerons, to off-the-shelf low end Office Depot generics, I’ve sat in them all. My experience has largely been that the differences between the high and low end chairs don’t tend to feel they warrant the price hikes, so for personal use at home it’s just been easier to defer to whatever is available in my limited price range, suffering through a long succession of back-numbing lackluster seating experiences. Considering how often I sit at a desk, working and gaming, the thought has occurred to me more than once that maybe I should give my backside more comfortable accommodations. Unfortunately, there is a vast array of desk chairs available with a wide range of price points and very little opportunity to actually sit on one and try it out. Cost does not necessarily equate to comfort, and dishing out big bucks for the latest testament to ergonomics may leave you sore in more ways than one.

I’ve never really been sold on the value proposition of gaming chairs; they have generally seemed overpriced, gimmicky, and inferior to even standard office chairs. When EWin told us they wanted to send us one of their Flash XL Gaming Chairs, I’ll be honest, I didn’t get my hopes up too high. I’m very happy to say that my fears were unfounded.

It should come as no surprise that an extra large chair comes in a big heavy box. The good news is that it’s a very durable, thick cardboard box, so there was little chance of the contents being damaged en route.

Not pictured: Family cat FREAKING OUT over a new box in the house

Assembly of the chair took roughly 30 minutes, with the hardest part being the first step of attaching the back to the seat- I had to pull the reclining lever and bear down hard on it to draw the arm that gets screwed in to the back far enough to clear the cushioning of the seat, and then painstakingly line up the screw holes. Once that was done, it was pretty much all about putting the wheels and hydraulic stem in place, as everything else came assembled in the box and even the two pillows were already set in place. Allen wrenches were provided in the box and there was no need to break out my own tools.

Let me impress upon you how large this chair is when assembled:

This photo was taken before the Flash XL ate the other chair whole

At a variable height of roughly 48” and a width of 22.8”, the EWin Flash XL is less a chair and more of a throne. At half elevation, my wife’s legs dangle off of it like she was a child. It is, in a word, MAGNIFICENT. I’m considerably taller than she is, however, and being able to adjust the lift much higher than most chairs is a welcome change (Now I just need a taller desk!). The “4D” adjustable armrests are a treat as well- horizontal angle, height, and positioning controls allow for specific customization according to where my arms fell. It is also possible to recline the back to a point almost level with the seat, but at that point the center of gravity makes things a little sketchy, so I wouldn’t plan on taking any naps like that. The only feature that my smaller chair had that I would have liked to take advantage of more with the EWin is the ability to use the tilt back to recline a bit at will. Technically, the chair can tilt back, and even lock into a tilted position, but the girth, weight and height of the chair make it less of a relaxing activity and more of a chore, and ultimately superfluous due to the overall comfort of the chair once I adjusted the various settings to my satisfaction. In fact, my one little gripe is that the chair’s size makes it harder to maneuver than smaller office chairs. That added scale and build does come with a trade-off.

White gloves are provided to avoid getting greasy hands while assembling

So the Flash XL is sturdy and highly adjustable, but is it comfortable? Thankfully, this is where the chair really excels. The high density memory foam is firm at first but once you sink into it a bit it really feels like you are floating a few feet above the ground. I never once felt the steel frame underneath. The roomy seat flanked on either side by the plush side cushions keep you in place without the constriction I found in previous gaming chairs I’ve sat in. The entire chair is wrapped and neatly stitched with a soft polyurethane leather that I was concerned wouldn’t breathe well if things got sweaty, but I haven’t noticed any issues so far. The lumbar and head pillows are very plush and easy to adjust once seated as they are held in place by elastic straps. That said, if you aren’t on the large or tall side, you may want to remove them, as they are positioned to fit the scale of the chair and may not be comfortable.

This Flash XL gaming/office chair was graciously provided to us for review by EWin. For a limited time you can get 15% off your chair order with the code GamingTrend.

Total Score: 95



The EWin Flash XL is categorically the most comfortable desk chair I have ever sat on (and as I said before, I have sat on a lot). The sturdy build, high level of adjustability, and plush memory foam/PU leather construction attest to the high quality of this chair, but what really sets it apart is the larger scale that allows for a seating experience I never knew existed before.

Mike Dunn is a UX designer, researcher, games journalist, and VR enthusiast, and has been working for Gaming Trend (and Console Gold) in multiple capacities since 2003. In addition to writing, he also provides design, development, branding and marketing for the site.
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If you have a desk job, you will spend over five years of your life sitting down at a desk. You can double that amount if you game or browse on a desktop at home for a few hours a night. It’s a daunting statistic when you think about it. We all spend over a third of our lives sleeping on mattresses, of which we spend a few hundred, if not thousands, on. So it begs the question: Should we take note of this and invest in a decent office chair too? It is crucial to sustaining a healthy posture and eliminating any bad back issues you may face in your later years.

There are many varieties of office/desk chair out there, and the cost of them can vary, greatly. The old saying “You get what you pay for” rains very true when it comes to purchasing a decent chair that can consistently service your back and posture for many years to come. We shouldn’t scrimp on cost when it comes to purchasing an office/desk chair, but most of us always do – myself included.

I usually turn my nose up at any chair costing more than £100. “A chair is a chair. It doesn’t need to be complicated. All you do is sit in it”, I would say, but as the years tick on by, I soon realise how many hours I spend at a desk. If I spend hundreds on a mattress, then sitting at a desk for over seven hours a day justifies the same kind of investment for the sake of avoiding a bad back in my later years.

The EwinRacing Champion Series gaming chair retails for €349 EU / £279 UK / $349 US and it is currently on sale for €223 EU / £190 UK / $237 US whilst also using our own 15% off voucher code ‘consolemonster’. You could say that this is probably the lower end of how much you should spend on a office/desk chair, but I’ve seen chairs costing much more than this and still have less features and quality – I’m looking at you IKEA! So on paper, the EwinRacing gaming chairs seems a bit of a bargain, but how are they in practice? Let’s find out…

Setting up the Champion Series chair was very simple, thanks to supplying all the tools and the helpful guide that lists all the necessary steps needed to assemble it. During the chair’s assembly I noticed how good the general quality of the parts are, with the only let down being the plastic arms, but with that said, even these arms carry particular features I’ve yet to experience on my past chairs. In less than 30 minutes I had the chair fully built and ready for its first test.

As features go, the Champion Series offers many buttons, leavers and switches to help achieve maximum sitting comfort. For me, the base of a seat is important. There is nothing worse then having a thinly padded seat that last barely a year before you begin to feel the framework inside. Thanks to its fairly thick padding of 10 cm, the Champion Series will be supporting your derrière for a long time.

The back support is just as important and the Champion Series caters well in this department too. The back rest dominates this chair’s form factor. Once assembled, it was the first thing to trouble me, because my current chair it replaces (a 5+ old chair from IKEA) is one of those short-backed chairs. I was never a fan of large executive chairs with high backs. This isn’t the companies biggest chair either, but should this trouble you as well, I would look at the Calling Series, which has a slightly smaller frame. But with all that said, I could slow get used to a high backed chair for many reasons.

Adjusting the back position is done by pushing down on the right side leaver, which is located where the back rest meets the seat. Powered by some fairly strong springs, the back can jump forward fairly rapid if you’re not leaning back on it, so it helps to apply some pressure to it. Adding a little more pressure whilst leaning back moves the back of the seat backwards very easy, and as you keep leaning back you soon start to notice one of this chairs key features – the ability to move the back almost fully horizontal!

Now I don’t know who would want to do this in any office environment, but at home I can see the appeal – if you wish to relax and pretend you’re in a dentist chair, this feature can seem pretty great. I don’t think I will be using this feature much, but to know the back can go backwards further than most chairs, to enjoy a relaxed posture, it’s welcoming. I must say though, I didn’t feel too comfortable setting the chair back to its maximum lean position, because my back is beyond the chair’s centre position, it felt that my weight would eventually tip me over if I wasn’t too careful.

Very popular with gaming chairs these days are the lumber and head cushions. These are held on by a pair of elasticated straps and plastic buckle clips. The straps come pre-fitted, wrapped around the bottom and two holes located in the neck area of the back seat. The lumber cushion alone makes a huge difference to my sitting experience; the neck cushion however, probably not so much. Whilst the chair is more reclined, I can see the neck cushion having more of a purpose. For me, the straps could be a little tighter, or at least hold the cushions in their adjusted position, because they always require constant adjustment every time you sit back into the chair.

On either side of the seat you’ll find the plastic arm rests. Just like most chairs, each arm rest can be raised and lowered to your own preference. For me I wish they could go a little more lower than these currently allow. Pressing a small button on the side of the rest allows you to slide the top part of the arm rest forward and backwards, which is a nice feature. Another button allows you to slide the top portion sideways towards and away from the seat. Finally, you can also apply a little force to the rotation of each arm rest to pivot them diagonally inwards and outwards. So all in all, with these four adjustments, you should find the perfect sweet spot for how your arms rest on them. These arms come pre-bolted to the seat, however if you prefer, these can be unscrewed and removed entirely.

After two weeks using the Champion Series I am slowly getting used to its dominant size. The general build quality has always felt very sturdy and solid, and I can imagine this chair would serve me well for many years. The pleather material used in the seating appears to be of a high quality, that doesn’ look like it will begin to flake off for some time. The cushions and seat padding feels like they contain a good quality and firm density of foam that should take the weight and reshape themselves after use for many sittings.

My only gripe is that I felt that the size of the seat could be slightly smaller for me. At 5’8” I found that my feet would leave the floor when I adjusted the seat to the correct height for my desk height (a standard 72 cm high). Usually, I rest my feet on the wheel frame underneath, but with the rather generous seat depth, my feet would miss the frame and dangle beyond its reach. With my feet not resting on the floor, this isn’t good for the blood circulation to my legs, so I had to seek an alternative solution by buying a cheap footrest from IKEA.

As you can see from the photo above, the overall size of the chair has troubled me from day one. I guess I prefer a smaller, more compact desk chair. For me, if the Champion Series could come in a slightly more compact form factor, I think EwinRacing could be on to a winner. The Calling Series could indeed tick that box, and I hope I can sample that chair also soon. But for someone taller and more leggy than me, the Champion Series might be a perfect chair for you because, as features to price goes, you really can’t do any better than investing in an EwinRacing Champion Series chair. Give your back the support and comfort it deserves and check them out.


Get 15% off EWinRacing Chairs with code 'consolemonster' at checkout
For an additional 15% discount off the final sale price of an EwinRacing gaming chair, please use our discount voucher code ‘consolemonster’ at check out.
Note: This is a gust post from Consolemonster.
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Hands On: EWin Hero Series Gaming/Office Chair

Yes, I’m reviewing a chair.  It’s something I thought unlikely but the opportunity arose and I saw this thing and simply couldn’t pass it up.

I mean – look at it!  Impressive, right? – The EWin Hero Series Gaming/Office Chair.

When it arrived on my doorstep, the first thing that struck me was – almost obviously – the size of the box. The size of the box, and the weight of the box.
These two things alone tell me a couple of things – it’s heavy, so it’s not cheap – it’s big, so it’s almost nearly completely assembled.
I was right on both counts.   There’s lots of metal in this chair, making it hardy but not cumbersome.   I was relieved to find not many parts to put together.

My picture doesn’t do it justice though, my little office space doesn’t lend much to photography.

The chair just looks slick!  It comes with blue, red, or green accents.
It’s certainly ergonomic, sturdy and comfortable but won’t let you curl up lounge in it – keeping you upright and alert while gaming or working.

The bucket-style has a durable steel frame and high-density memory foam.
If you look at the frame, you’ll see that the ergonomic parts of the chair (the “winged” sides, and “cupped” seat) are actually a part of the frame. They’re not just hunks of foam just sitting out there.   They’re integral.

The 5-star wheeled base is aluminum – something you don’t find in a lot of chairs.
It wouldn’t be much use having a sturdy chair, and a class-4 gas lift (330lbs/150kg) if the base would crack under the pressure.

Putting the chair together didn’t take long. There are just the screws to put the back onto the seat, and the base onto the seat.
Two different sized screws come with two different sized allen wrenches – nice touch.
You’ll find the screws already in place in the chair – helpfully novel. This way you don’t misplace them in the packaging.
The screws were a little fiddly to get into place – the hole kind of got a little lost in the chair material but this is hardly an issue.

It even comes with gloves! Keep your hands, and your nice new chair clean while you put it together.

The seat isn’t overly complicated.  There’s a lever that adjusts the height, and a lever that adjusts the angle of the back.
The back adjustment lever looks and works like something you’d find in a car to adjust your car seat – for all you racing gamers out there.
The lock/tilt mechanism adjusts the overall angle of the seat.
It does sit high – if you’re on the shorter side, your feet may not touch the floor.

Two pillows – one for lumbar, and the other for your head/neck are adjustable on elastic runners.

The leather surfaces seem to be easy to clean/wipe down.

A couple of nice little touches make the chair just a little more special – aside from the included assembly gloves – the way the seat cushion is nicely embedded into the seat – nice and square – it’s obviously there but intentionally a part of the design.  Also, the covers for the back/seat assembly.  The plastic covers cover the screws, and screw in themselves – take note though, they’re different shape for each side. One for the “normal” side, the other for the back adjustment mechanism.

I don’t have much negative to say about the EWin Hero Series Gaming Chair. Just the screws being fiddly – that ensures a good fit though.
It is a $360 chair (15% off if you use code TB at EWinRacing.com) – it might seem pricey but you’ll pay that for a regular office chair that’ll tear, puncture, and flake (like my old one did) – it won’t look nearly as good either!

The chair are certified BIFMA (Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Ass.), ISO 9001, and Underwriters Laboratories Approved (UL). So, as long as you use your common sense around it, it’ll be safe and serve you well.

Face it, you spend a lot of time either in it, or looking at it – you had might as well enjoy it,

Learn all about the EWin Hero Series chairs, and get one for yourself at EWinRacing.com – don’t forget to use code TB at checkout to get 15% off your order!

Note: This blogger is reprinted from Techburgh.

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