EWinRacing’s latest entry in the racing back gaming chair, is an affordable and extremely comfortable chair in a market saturated with gaming-oriented furniture. Comfortable and as classy as you can get in the gaming world while still being purpose-built, the Knight is a durable chair for the every-person gamer and though the model that I picked out is black with yellow highlights and the four face buttons of a PlayStation controller embroidered on the seat back, is still subtle enough that it doesn’t stick out the way most “gaming” furniture design do; if you’d like to see more on it, head on over to EWin’s website, but in the meantime, here are some of my thoughts on the E-Win Knight Series gaming chair.
First and foremost, huge shout out to the folks over at EWinRacing. When I first received the chair, which shipped in near-record time (only a two-day wait, which is spectacular as that’s in the realm of Amazon Prime shipping) I was a bit skeptical as the instructions that were sent were actually for the EWin Calling Series chair. Fortunately, a quick tweet and I had a PDF of the instruction manual within an hour, though not that one would need it; this chair is not only comfortable, but easy to build on account of it shipping in about 4 pieces. Even though the full color instructions (something I rarely see these days) were incorrect, EWin’s extremely fast response to the plight was reassuring that they stand behind their product, something not many “gaming” or “racing-back” chair manufacturers do (based on personal experience with three separate “gaming” chairs).
Assembly took about 20 minutes and then I was up and running (well, sitting) and like any new piece of furniture it needs a break-in period. Fortunately, with everything going on and there being a Stay At Home order in my State, the Knight was about to be broken in in record time. Over the past three weeks I have spent anywhere from 14 to 18 hours a day in the chair and am thrilled to report that one of my biggest concerns was unfounded. That concern? Durability.

In every sub-$250 gaming-oriented chat that I have owned, even under light usage, has started to break down within mere weeks of ordering; from the cushions simply breaking down to lifts and backrest angles simply breaking, every single one, with the exception of an AmazonBasics “executive” chair (that cost just shy of $200), have been duds. Even the AmazonBasics chair, while still being comfortable, squeaks and groans like no other when my slightly-under-weight 13-year-old daughter sits in it. The EWinRacing Knight series though? I’ve put this chair through its paces and the only issue I have found with it is that it seems to want to always gradually rotate to the left. Annoying at times, but generally not something I can tell until I’ve been at the computer for 8+ hours. Not exactly end of the world and minimal given the fact that the seat cushion, headrest, and lower lumbar support are all in top-notch condition.
Now, I’m not exactly a large guy nor am I a small one, but when the good folks at EWinRacing reached out to me with the opportunity to review the Knight series chair I was a little confused as to why they’d want my height and weight; I’ve bought plenty of articles of furniture (that’s lasted quite some time) without needing to divulge that I’m not only short, but slightly on the husky side, so I was a bit taken aback. The reason, come to find out, is because EWinRacing has specific lines tailored towards all manner of sizes so no matter the height/weight of the person looking into a chair, they will have you covered. This was, to me, a fairly not-so-subtle wake-up call that this is a manufacturer who is so confident in their product (with good reason) and so concerned with the comfort of their customers, that they’ve tailored brands for everyone, even though not everyone is built the same way.
As I was putting the seat together I was a little concerned that it seemed large, and even sitting in it for the first time I felt like I had extra space at my hips that I just wasn’t used to. After a week of using the Knight, I plopped my chonky tail-end in my AmazonBasics chair and felt damn-near claustrophobic. The Knight’s wide seat, flaring armrests, and broader backrest are so damned comfortable that you don’t realize it until you sit in a chair that prescribes to the “One Size Fits All” mantra and oh boy is it noticeable. More noticeable? That the leatherette has yet to stretch around the seams and that all of the cushions are still in pristine shape. I still cannot get over how nice the Knight looks after nearly 300 hours of constant abuse. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think that this chair was magicked into existence by the whimsical furniture gods, slapped with a sub-$250 price tag, and shipped out the door.

So, my final thoughts? In this day-and-age it is about making sure your money is well spent on durable products that are going to last while being faithfully supported by a company that truly values its customers. It is clear, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the folks over at EWinRacing fit the bill and deserve all the praise that one can bestow. They have taken a style of chair that has really taken off these past few years, made it comfortable, durable, and classy, while staying within the bounds of general affordability and in doing so bypasses nearly every pitfall the saturated gaming furniture market has.
What is even better? The awesome folks over at EWinRacing have provided us with a discount code just for you to take a little off the top… and by “little” I’m talking a whopping 20% off your order!
Simply use the code: chalgyr at checkout and watch that price drop!
So what are you waiting for!? Head on over to https://www.ewinracing.com and check out the Knight series and pick one up! You won’t regret it. Special thanks to EWinRacing as a whole for approaching us with this opportunity to review the Knight; it’s a fantastic chair that I foresee being in my office for many years to come.
Note: This is a review post from http://chalgyr.com/